Corneal Abrasion: Symptoms, First Aid, Photos & Healing Time

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, work with wood or metal or wear contact lenses, you have an elevated risk for experiencing a corneal abrasion. Topical analgesics are relatively common to manage any pain the eye injury causes. A scratched cornea, or corneal abrasion, is a common eye injury, which can lead to discomfort, redness, and sensitivity to light. The cornea is the clear surface of the eye responsible for light focusing, which enables you to see. The pain caused by a corneal abrasion may seem disproportionate to the level of damage that actually occurs.

home remedies for corneal abrasion

You can give yourself a corneal abrasion without realizing it. This can happen when you try to take out a contact lens, but the lens is not actually on the eye. Rubbing a finger directly on the cornea can cause a small scrape. Essentially, anything that comes into contact with your cornea can cause a corneal abrasion. It is best to avoid any eye make-up during the time to speed up healing. Using eye lashes, mascara or shadows should be evaded during the recovery period.


The only difference between natural remedies, conventional medicine, and alternative therapies is their effectiveness. Common Eye Problems Eye diseases can cause damage and blindness if not treated soon enough. Learn the warning signs and symptoms of common eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, pink eye, macular degeneration and more. Corneal Ulcer Picture Most corneal ulcers are caused by infections and can be bacterial , viral herpes simplex virus and varicella virus, or fungal .

While standard medical treatments are based on proven scientific principles, complementary and alternative therapies are not. Some examples of complementary and alternate medicine include aromatherapy and acupuncture, massage therapy and hypnosis, as well as spiritual healing. Although complementary and alternative medicine are often used in combination with conventional treatments, evidence is needed to confirm their effectiveness and safety. Most people know right away when something scrapes their eye.

Clean and Protect the Eye

Immunocompromised or monocular patients also warrant closer attention and may require earlier ophthalmologic referral. To diagnose a corneal abrasion, your ophthalmologist will ask about your symptoms and examine your eye. They'll use a slit-lamp biomicroscope to shine a high-powered light into your eye. Corneal abrasion also increases your risk for corneal erosion. Ongoing eye irritation after your corneal abrasion heals can be a symptom of a problem with the corneal epithelium.

Honey can help to clean a wound, reduce pain, decrease signs of infection and even speed up the healing process. Research demonstrates the effectiveness of honey as an antiseptic wound dressing. What’s so amazing is that honey actually reacts with the body’s fluids to make hydrogen peroxide, creating an inhospitable environment for bacteria to grow. Abrasions are typically painful and bleed right away, but as with all skin injuries, they can be put on a spectrum of severity. Often, an abrasion is minor or superficial, yet it’s still a wound that needs to be treated properly to prevent infection and encourage optimal healing.

Causes of a scratched cornea

Current recommendations stress the use of topical or oral analgesics and topical antibiotics . Additionally, while a corneal abrasion is minor in most cases, a corneal ulcer may cause severe eye health problems. If you have a corneal ulcer, you should seek medical attention immediately to receive proper treatment. Most corneal abrasions are not serious, and it heals on its own in a couple of days. But if the abrasion is deeper and left untreated, it can result in severe eye infection and corneal ulcer.

home remedies for corneal abrasion

Ask your pharmacist for advice if you are unsure about side effects or dosage. Some of these medicines can be found in supermarkets and health food stores. If your symptoms get worse, you should always consult a doctor. They can give you clinical advice about what medicines are best to use. The development of medical science and the use of home remedies began in the eighteenth century in Philadelphia, the city of health and medicine.

Do corneal abrasions heal completely?

Be sure to always wash your hands before you touch your eyes to keep infections at bay. If splashing water on eyes directly is causing pain, resort to an alternative. Fill a clean container with pure water and then slowly wash your eyes in it. You may even ask someone in the house to wash your eyes if you find it difficult to do. Diffuse essential oils to relieve pain and support relaxation. Sawdust, metal shards, shattered glass, dust, pollen and sand can all scratch the cornea.

Treatment for eye problems in people with diabetes depend on the type of eye problem. Prevention of eye problems include reducing blood pressure, cholesterol levels, quitting smoking, and maintaining proper blood glucose levels. The eye is undoubtedly a very sensitive and important part of the human body that needs to be maintained with the utmost care.

Facts You Should Know About a Corneal Abrasion

A corneal abrasion is a painful scrape or scratch of the surface of the clear part of the eye. This clear tissue of the eye is known as the cornea, the transparent window covering the iris, the circular colored portion of the eye. The cornea has many nerve endings just under the surface, so that any disruption of the surface may be painful. A corneal abrasion occurs when the corneal epithelium, the outermost layer of the cornea , is scratched or otherwise damaged.

home remedies for corneal abrasion

Abrasion is limited to the topmost five layers of the cornea. Any dust or sand particles trapped inside the eyelid lead to scratching of the cornea. Scratching of the cornea leads to pain, heaviness, and discomfort. Although abrasions usually do not cause permanent vision loss or blindness, get a medical second opinion online to rule out other serious complications.

Staph Infection Symptoms, Causes & Natural Treatments

Always check to see if the symptoms are getting better or worse. Even if you feel the symptoms are temporary and do not improve, you should still see a doctor. Without a doctor’s help, symptoms of a particular disease can get worse. Herbal remedies offer a great alternative to pharmaceuticals. They are safe and effective and can be used in place of prescriptions and over-the-counter medication.

This corneal abrasion appears as a yellow-green area when stained with fluorescein and viewed with a blue light. Pain returns from an eye injury that seemed to have resolved with treatment. You may cause a corneal abrasion when you rub your eyes excessively when they are irritated. A common cause of a corneal abrasion is a young child accidentally poking you in the eye with her fingernail.


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